As directed by the University of Minnesota' s 1988 Minnesota Plan II, the Commission on Women and Gender Equity at the University of Minnesota, Morris, seeks to strengthen the entire community by improving the campus climate for all women and gender minority faculty, staff, and students, in order to create a campus working and learning environment that is respectful, inclusive, and productive.
- To promote dialogue on issues relevant to women's and gender equity;
- To challenge norms, values, and attitudes that demean or devalue women and gender minorities while supporting constructive change;
- To encourage faculty, staff, and administration to provide humane working and learning environments for all members of the campus community;
- To promote fair treatment of women and gender minorities in all areas of academic and campus life, including instruction, hiring, mentoring, evaluation, promotion, and awards/recognition; and
- To recognize and celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of UMN-Morris women and gender minorities.
We Pursue These Goals By:
- Enhancing and supporting the Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies program (which includes both a major and minor);
- Holding three advisory board meetings during the academic year and summarizing happenings to the campus community;
- Awarding grant monies for and co-sponsoring activities and events that support the Commission's mission, according to established criteria and guidelines;
- Collaborating with administration and campus stakeholders to research and formulate policy proposals that promote a supportive working and learning environment for women and gender minorities;
- Gaining feedback from campus constituents regarding campus climate
- Biennially reviewing the Salary, Workload/Service, and Backfill reports.
Commission on Women and Gender Equity Leadership

Marissa Holst

Rachel Coler Mulholland
Membership Information
The board consists of up to 12 members who are on a two-year appointment with representationas follows:
- 2–4 Faculty (Each division will have one reserved seat. Divisions have the choice to opt out of filling their reserved seats in any given year.)
- 1–3 USA Staff (AFSCME clerical/technical staff, Civil Service employees, and Teamsters will each have one reserved seat. Each group has the choice to opt out of filling their reserved seat any given year.)
- 1–2 Professional & Administrative Staff
- LGBTQIA2S+ Programs Coordinator
- 1–2 Students (priority will be given to at least one student parent)
Terms are staggered to provide a mix of new and returning members. Terms are renewable for a maximum of four consecutive years of service, after which a two-year break is required before returning to the board.