Ad hoc committees are appointed committees not otherwise specified in the constitution or by-laws. They are established to undertake special charges that do not fall within the purview of the standing committees of the assembly. Ad hoc committees must have a defined termination date stated at the time of formation.
Operations and Procedures of Committees
All assembly committees follow the operations and procedures described in this section.
Each committee chair shall call meetings as often as required to discharge the responsibilities of the committee in a timely manner. The chair shall call a special meeting if requested in writing by two or more committee members.
The chair of each committee shall submit a written report of the committee’s actions to the Steering Committee at the end of each academic year.
Meeting times and agendas shall be made public in advance of meetings.
A quorum consists of a majority of the voting members of the committee.
Generally, committee meetings are expected to be open to all members of the campus community. However, a committee may, by majority vote of members present and in compliance with relevant statutes, declare an executive session. During an executive session, attendance is restricted to committee members and other persons they may include in the closed session.
Minutes of all committees shall be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor and shall be made public in a timely manner to all members of the campus community. The campus shall establish and maintain a convenient electronic distribution system in order to promote greater awareness of the work of governance committees. Minutes taken during executive sessions must reference the general topics discussed. Committee minutes must not contain information considered private or confidential under the provisions of state or federal law.
Committees consult, advise, and cooperate with other committees when appropriate.