Steering Committee


  • To prepare agendas and schedule meetings of the assembly;
  • To request and receive reports and recommendations for action by the assembly;
  • To develop, with the assistance of the chancellor, an annual agenda for the Campus Assembly and its committees;
  • To advise the administration on issues that do not fall under the purview of any assembly committee;
  • To apprise appropriate committees or the assembly of any matter the Steering Committee considers appropriate;
  • To schedule a meeting of the chairs of all assembly committees at least once per semester in order to promote communication and coordination among the committees. The first such meeting each academic year shall include a discussion of how committees function and interact with the Campus Assembly as well as how to be an effective committee chair;
  • To monitor the functioning of the Campus Assembly and its committees and to recommend needed changes in structure. In particular, the Steering Committee shall periodically evaluate the productivity and necessity of each standing committee and consider whether its responsibilities and membership are appropriately delineated; and
  • To carry out other functions assigned to it by the assembly.

Steering Committee Leadership

Josh Johnson
Vice chair
Tera Kleespie
Support Staff


The Steering Committee consists of eight voting members and one non-voting member. Seven of the voting members shall be elected by the Campus Assembly and these seven shall consist of:

  • three faculty,
  • one P&A staff,
  • two students,
  • and one USA staff.

The chair and vice chair are members of this elected group. The other voting member is the chancellor. The non-voting member is the parliamentarian of the Campus Assembly. The chancellor shall arrange secretarial support for the committee.

Committee members shall be elected late each spring semester. Only members of Campus Assembly are eligible to be on the Steering Committee. All members of the Campus Assembly may vote in the elections of the vice chair and the parliamentarian. The vice chair shall be elected first for a term of one year and then serve as chair for the next year. The faculty, P&A staff, student, and USA staff members shall be elected next, by their constituents, terms being one year for students and two years on a staggered basis for others. Finally, the parliamentarian is elected for a term of two years. There are no restrictions on reelection. Vacancies shall be filled by special election.