United Staff Association

Membership Information

The Morris Campus United Staff Association (USA) includes:

  • AFSCME clerical/technical staff
  • Civil Service employees
  • Teamsters

USA consists of approximately 200 members and serves all areas of the Morris campus.


  • To facilitate USA staff participation in matters pertaining to staff (excluding matters covered by bargaining unit contracts or civil service rules, e.g., salaries, benefits, and grievances); to promote active involvement in institutional aims, pursuits, and activities; and to encourage personal and professional development of staff members in the University community.
  • To develop and promote educational programming of benefit to USA employees and to organize activities reflecting the variety of interests of staff members
  • To serve as the vehicle for informing USA staff of the ongoing programs and objectives of Morris
  • To share with faculty and students common obligation and dedication to the fulfillment of the educational goals and purposes of the University of Minnesota, Morris, in conjuction with the total University

United Staff Association Leadership

Sheila Warner
Sheila Warner
Angie Senger
Angie Senger
Vice chair