Probation and Suspension

Academic Progress Requirements

Approved by Campus Assembly February 19, 2002

The UMM Campus Assembly has established minimum academic progress requirements based on two measures: the cumulative GPA measures performance over time and the term GPA measures performance within the term. The authority for administering the requirements and taking necessary action rests with the Scholastic Committee. Note: The Office of Financial Aid monitors separate financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.


A student will be placed on probation, and will remain on probation, if either the term or the cumulative GPA is below 2.000. A student on probation will have a hold placed on his or her record and must see an adviser in order to register. Students on probation are limited to a maximum of 16 credits per semester.

Academic Contract

Colleges may develop contracts specifying additional requirements that students enrolled in that college must meet to be removed from probation or to register for classes while on probation. The academic contract may include GPA expectations more rigorous than the 2.000 term and cumulative GPA minimum standard, where programmatically warranted and where clearly communicated to the student. If the student meets the conditions of the contract, and the term and cumulative GPA are at least 2.000, the student will be removed from probation. Even if the contract conditions are met, the student must still meet the minimum GPA requirements of this policy. If the conditions of the contract are not met, the student will be suspended.

Students on probation return to good standing by earning a term GPA and cumulative GPA of 2.000.


A student is suspended if:

  1. at the end of the probation term (semester), both the term and cumulative GPA are below 2.000, or
  2. the conditions of an academic contract are not fulfilled. The suspension is effective immediately.

Consequences of suspension

When suspended, a student is no longer in the program and cannot register for any University courses for at least one full academic year. All colleges and campuses at the University must recognize the probationary holds and will not allow students, including nondegree seeking students, with these holds to register without the approval of the college placing the hold.

Appealing suspension decisions

Students may appeal suspension decisions or petition for re-admission in writing to the college’s Student Scholastic Standing Committee (SSSC) according to a defined collegiate petition process.

Re-admission after suspension

Re-admission after a period of suspension is not automatic. To be re-admitted, a student must show evidence of changes in circumstances that demonstrate that he or she will succeed in an academic program.

Returning to the college or a different college after suspension

Upon return to the college after petitioning to reenter, students will be placed on probation, and all colleges will use a probation hold and contract for the purpose of monitoring the student’s performance. If the student does not successfully complete the contract, he or she will be suspended again, but then will be required to reapply for admission to a college, rather than petition to reenter.

Appeal to return after one semester

Suspension Appeal Form

Suspended students may appeal to the Scholastic Committee using the online appeal form. The appeal is due by June 30 each year, and should include an academic plan for improvement; evidence of successful completion of evening, summer, or transfer work; and/or evidence that personal difficulties are being addressed.

If you wish the Counseling Office, Academic Assistance or Disability Services to provide input on your appeal, they must have written approval (with your signature) prior to the hearing of the appeal. Without this approval, their input cannot be considered. Decisions on appeals are made in July.

If the appeal is approved, the Committee determines the conditions that must be met during the semester the student returns. If those conditions are not met, the original suspension is reinstated at the end of the term.

Students with an approved appeal remain on probation. The Scholastic Committee prescribes special conditions in an effort to improve the student’s chance for success. Students and their advisers are notified of these conditions. For example, students may be required to complete a specified number of credits and to earn a prescribed GPA during the single semester of their approved return.